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The Power of the Crescent Moon

by Debbie Keil-Leavitt The Crescent Moon and You The Crescent Moon is a symbol of power that has been recurring in art and spiritual thought for over 30,000 years. It is seen in religious symbols and even the flags of…

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The Rhinoceros Spirit Animal

Many people associate the rhino with its strong physique and aggressive behavior. This animal feels them with fear and trepidation. The truth is that the rhino’s personality is one of many contradictions. The rhinoceros is a powerful symbol of stamina,…

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The Power of Words and Water…

I had a friend post an article about how the fluoridation of water may not yield the benefits we thought.  I commented, "Of course not, fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, and blocks our access to our psychic/mystical/esoteric abilities."  "Scientifically," it's function is not…

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Hippopotamus as a Spirit Totem

The hippopotamus spirit animal reminds you that you are born great, and you have the potential to become whoever you want to be. The hippopotamus symbolism demonstrates strength and courage, calmness during times of crisis, maternal instincts, and the ability…

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Cottonwood Tree Symbolism

Cottonwood signals a magical time of hope, healing and transformation. A Native American legend tells of how the cottonwood tree first gave birth to the stars by holding star seeds within its branches. Buds shaped like five-pointed stars emerge in…

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